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luni, 1 decembrie 2014


The landscapes are breath-taking!
The weather is great!
I arrive at Heiligenblut where I have an important meeting.
After I wait about an hour I meet my generous friend Tibi Muntean, but also his lovely wife Carmen and his cute little boy Stefan. They helped me a lot and I am very grateful to them. I am invited to have a delicious lunch with them at a luxurious restaurant. Here we eat something quite tasty and expensive! We talk a bit and I let them know about my adventures! God bless you my dear friends! I hope I`ll see you soon.
The dessert was awesome,too. After about an hour we have to separate and go our ways.
I have to return to Winklern. On my way I visit an interesting waterfall.
Its legend is quite impressive.
Nearby I find an interesting restaurant but I just stop to snap a photo to an ugly hag.
Near Mortschach, I find a perfect place to camp.
The next day is perfect for cycling again.
On my way to Lienz I have to climb a new pass.
I love Austria! You can find all you desire in this country.
The cycling lane towards Silian is of good quality.
This is heaven for cyclists.
I am heading for Italy which is not far from here.
In Silian I see a great castle.
After cycling a few km. I enter Italy for the 5th time in my life by bicycle. I can see the Dolomites and I am so happy.
San Candido will be my first and last locality I cycled in this great tour. First I visited some churches and I even prayed in one of them, thanking God for such a magnificent life full of adventures.
This is the lovely church where I prayed.
This is a lovely touristic town with many attractions.
Till the midnight my cycling trip was doomed to failure. Because of a rain I locked my bike near a franciscan monastery, and I went to eat and drink in town. I was feeling great, eating a good pizza and drinking some white wine talking to some foreigners in a pub. I became friend with Mr Peter, the owner of a pub and I talked a lot with a hot old girl that looked like the famous Ciocciollina. When I returned to the place where I locked the bicycle, to my utter dismay and horror I could find only the locker, my bike was stolen. So I went to the police headquarter`s who make me write a report and gave me a lift till Dobbiaco`s railwaystation where I slept on a wooden bench like a homeless guy. Nice experience, indeed! Bye bye dear Alps for now! The next day I had to take a train heading for Romania, till Arad I changed 5 trains and I had to endure 40 hours. In Vienna I slept on the platform, because my fatigue was too intense! But finally I reached home safely but without my bike and all my belongings!
The evidence that I was robbed because I heard some rumours from some `friends` that I would have sold the bike and belongings to spend the money on alcohol! Here is the document I wrote at the police headquarter`s from San Candido!
And here are the tickets for trains to go home.
In incheierea acestui episod vreau sa multumesc din suflet tuturor prietenilor sustinatori care m-au ajutat financiar sau material pt. realizarea expeditiei BIKE EUROPA 2014. Aici este lista prietenilor sustinatori care m-au ajutat. Multumesc din suflet lui: Tiberiu si Carmen Muntean - Munchen, Horia Cardos - Timisoara, Razvan Anton - Ottawa, Flavius Nicola - Arad, Marius Cruceru - Oradea, Zoltan si Adina Marton - Bucuresti, George Marcu - Bucuresti, Camelia Balutescu - Timisoara, Bogdan Cristea - Londra, Attila Szodrai - Oradea, Timotei Rad - Cluj Napoca, Mariea Crasmaru - Laslea, Emanuel Dobre - Ineu, Radu Lasc - Ineu, Morar Victor - Ineu, Havasi Sergiu Celin - Ineu. Multumesc de asemenea domnilor din conducerea Consiliului Judetean Arad si domnilor consilieri judeteni care au aprobat proiectul meu cicloturistic si doamnelor de la Centrul Cultural Judetean Arad. Multumesc mult si lui Rogoz Stefan, administratorul clubului RACING BIKE PRO ARAD si lui Torok Laci, fara ajutorul carora nu puteam accesa banii de la CJA! Dumnezeu sa va binecuvanteze pe voi si familile voastre si sa va dea doar bine! Nu in ultimul rand multumesc si colegilor Florin si Giani, cu care am pedalat destul de mult pe batranul continent! Traiasca cicloturismul si prietenia! Cu respect, Claudiu

5 comentarii:

  1. Salut!

    frumoase aventuri!
    Imi pare rau c-ai patit iar beleaua cu furtul bicicletei. Bine, c-ai ajuns sanatos acasa.

    Ce planuri ai pentru anul viitor?

    1. In ciuda tuturor necazurilor si a vremii penibile, fiind cel mai ploios an din cariera mea de ciclohoinar, a fost un an bun pt. mine in care am pedalat in 13 tari. Pt. la anul voi face o expeditie in fct. de bugetul ce-l voi strange. In cel mai rau caz va fi un nou tur frumos prin cateva tari din Balcani si cateva mii km. Se pare ca anul viitor va fi mai slabut pt. mine pt. ca mi-au cam fugit prietenii sustinatori iar marile expeditii nu pot fi facute fara nici un sprijin.

  2. Va veni vremea cand voi face turul lumii dar deocamdata inca mai am de facut cateva ture prin Europa care este leaganul civilizatiei si un spatiu de cunoastere inepuizabil!

  3. Lasa sticla, apucate de munca si ai sa vezi ca o sa ai iar prieteni nu tovarasi de pahar.

    1. Frumos zis, dar sa nu uitam ca si fostul presedinte al tarii mai trage la masea. Important e sa o facem cu moderatie si cu responsabilitate. Evident ca spre marea ta mirare, o majora schimbare s-a produs si-n viata mea. Muncesc pe branci de 2 luni!
