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joi, 23 octombrie 2014


This church has indeed a stunning architecture.
From Csavoly I have to cycle more then 50km on a busy road full of trucks. But after this horrible experience, not far from Morahalom I will cycle on a lovely cycling lane.
Between Szeged and Mako I run into some pretty creatures made of straw.
I spend my last day in Hungary in my tent in a small forest near Pitvaros.
The next day upon reaching my beloved motherland, Romania, it`s time for me to celebrate at a fancy restaurant in Curtici.
I rest a few days in Ineu where I live, then I start cycling again towards the Alps. My first stop will be in Hungary again where I feel great in Gyula in a fancy pub.
After enjoying a great evening I cycle till a safe place near Gyula where I will spend the night in my sleeping bag behind a factory.
From here I enjoy cycling on a bicycles` lane admiring lovely sun flowers.
I make a halt in the first village to eat my breakfast.
Then after cycling another 3 or 4 km. I reach a nice touristic place where I can take a dip in the Koros River.
Here I can gaze at some gorgeous motorboats.
From here I cycle in a boring puszta` landscape and my next stop will be in Mezobereny where I indulge in eating a pizza with mussels and olives.
During the night while I was sleeping in my bag near Mezotur, at about 3AM I was caught by a terrible storm with thunder bolts and lightnings that almost put an end to my life. The dogs were barking, the thunder bolts were falling nearby and I was soaked quite through and the temperature dropped to 13 degrees. All my traps were soon very wet and I was shivering like a leave.
But I strangely and wondrously survived so in Mezotur I ate well to regain my strength.
Then in Mezohek it was time for me to celebrate my victory of staying alive under so adverse circumstances.
Then I cycled in the rain till Lakitelek where I put up my tent and spent a very damp night.
The next day I am haunted by rain again so I cover a short distance and in the evening I am in a pub in Izsak. This pub is like a museum and will hold a spell on me.
Here I can see an old collection of Hungarian banknotes.
In a painting I can see Lenin.
And also the evil Stalin is present on the wall.
In incheierea acestui episod vreau sa multumesc din suflet tuturor prietenilor sustinatori care m-au ajutat financiar sau material pt. realizarea expeditiei BIKE EUROPA 2014. Aici este lista prietenilor sustinatori care m-au ajutat. Multumesc din suflet lui: Tiberiu si Carmen Muntean - Munchen, Horia Cardos - Timisoara, Razvan Anton - Ottawa, Flavius Nicola - Arad, Marius Cruceru - Oradea, Zoltan si Adina Marton - Bucuresti, George Marcu - Bucuresti, Camelia Balutescu - Timisoara, Bogdan Cristea - Londra, Attila Szodrai - Oradea, Timotei Rad - Cluj Napoca, Mariea Crasmaru - Laslea, Emanuel Dobre - Ineu, Radu Lasc - Ineu, Morar Victor - Ineu, Havasi Sergiu Celin - Ineu. Multumesc de asemenea domnilor din conducerea Consiliului Judetean Arad si domnilor consilieri judeteni care au aprobat proiectul meu cicloturistic si doamnelor de la Centrul Cultural Judetean Arad. Multumesc mult si lui Rogoz Stefan, administratorul clubului RACING BIKE PRO ARAD si lui Torok Laci, fara ajutorul carora nu puteam accesa banii de la CJA! Dumnezeu sa va binecuvanteze pe voi si familile voastre si sa va dea doar bine! Nu in ultimul rand multumesc si colegilor Florin si Giani, cu care am pedalat destul de mult pe batranul continent! Traiasca cicloturismul si prietenia! Cu respect, Claudiu