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miercuri, 11 ianuarie 2012

The Paschal Tour 2010 - part 2 (The county of Hunedoara)

From here we cycle in a beautiful area full of bare trees. The traffic is low and he have a steady but weak ascent.

After a few kms. before reaching Gura Vaii village we get to a cave that was turned into a museum and hotel.

This is quite unique in Romania and one day I will bring my friends to spend a night here. The inside of this "hotel" is quite queer and interesting.

The landscapes are great, we are cycling in Codru Moma Mountains.

Near Aciuta village me find a large quarry.

And then we enjoy a great winding strech of road with very nice forest.

After another one hour of cycling we get to a nice chalet, on the top of Sortoc Hill near Halmagiu township. The last section of the climb is quite strenuous.

And here it's time for us to have a break and enjoy a beer. In the distance we can see Gaina (Hen) Mountain whose peak is the highest in the county of Arad (1486m).

Here we eat the best sausages from the area. They are quite tasty indeed.

From here we have a tough descent with the gradient of 10%.

Soon we enter the county of Hunenoara and it's rather late.

The night overtakes us and after cycling about 40 minutes in the dark, we decide to spend the night at "Forget me not" Inn where we eat very well and we feel very good.

After an enjoyable evening we withdraw to our room where he have some more fun. Liviu is a very jocular fellow.

The next day we get to Tebea, a very important pantheon of Romania.

Here it's time for us to stop and to pay our respects to the heroes buried here.

Here we have the honour to collect our thoughts before the tomb of the great Avram Iancu, the leader of the Transylvania's insurgents from the Revolution of 1848.

The Oak of Horea, another hero from XVIIIth century from Transylvania is to be found here.

We can find here many memorial plaques with important texts reminding us of the great feats of our forefathers.

It's time to go and against a blue sky, Metaliferi Mountains stand in front of us.

Soon we enter the municipality of Brad, that is the biggest town from "The Highlanders' Country".

It's here that the Peasant Uprising from 1784 was initiated.

Bombonel Cotoc si Briciu - Dedicatie speciala pt. prietenul meu Liviu Marunceac, mare cicloturist si ciclocatarator din Banat