Pantani Carpaticus - sunt un om cu o mare pofta de a descoperi viata si lumea din saua bicicletei. Am calatorit enorm in ultimii 20 de ani traind o viata intensa plina de aventura si adrenalina! Viata mea inseamna calatoria pe 2 roti, descoperirea naturii, intalnirea cu semenii si continua perfectionare a mea prin intermediul experientelor acumulate si a emotiilor traite! Pedalo ergo sum! Pedalez deci exist! Traiasca cicloturismul!
Totalul afișărilor de pagină
vineri, 7 noiembrie 2014
Not far from Lenti I find a restaurant and I will eat something delicious.
Soon I get to a small river where I take a dip.
At Dolga Vas I enter Slovenia where I will cycle only a few hours before entering Austria at Bad Radkersburg. Here I will spend the night in my sleeping bag in the middle of the town near the walls of a fortress. Unfortunatelly at 3AM I am caught by a storm that almost killed me. In order to survive I make physical exercises for a few hours with all my cloathing being soaked through.
In the next village in Halbenrain, I get some sleep even if my outfit is all wet, then on my way to Mureck I visit interesting villages.
Some good food will restore my energy a bit.
Soon I enter a hilly region with plenty of vineyards.
Schlossberg is quite an amazing place to visit.
I will camp in a village near an old house. I have some emotions when the owner pays me a visit and almost starts beating me but after I explain to him what I am doing and why I am on his land, he let me be and besides, he fetches me some food.
The next day on the way to Eibiswald I see a lot of hops` plantations.
At Oberhaag I see a pond full of exotic fish.
From Eibiswald I am going to climb a lot. I am entering the Alps.
After 2 hours of climbing I get to a lovely lake.
Towards Lavamund I`ll have a long descent.
On the way to Bleiburg I use a wonderful cycling path.
I am cycling in Carinthia again! The landscapes are awesome and the cycling way is fabulous!
In a small village, a tiny church with some wooden structures reminds me of my beloved Romania.
In Bleiburg I catch glimpse of a wooden sculpture that looks like the head of the great poet and philosopher - Lucian Blaga who was my mentor.
I visit this town and I admire its buildings.
An old manor impresses me a lot.
In a village nearby I am allowed to pitch my tent in a perfect place behind a petrol station.
In incheierea acestui episod vreau sa multumesc din suflet tuturor prietenilor sustinatori care m-au ajutat financiar sau material pt. realizarea expeditiei BIKE EUROPA 2014. Aici este lista prietenilor sustinatori care m-au ajutat. Multumesc din suflet lui: Tiberiu si Carmen Muntean - Munchen, Horia Cardos - Timisoara, Razvan Anton - Ottawa, Flavius Nicola - Arad, Marius Cruceru - Oradea, Zoltan si Adina Marton - Bucuresti, George Marcu - Bucuresti, Camelia Balutescu - Timisoara, Bogdan Cristea - Londra, Attila Szodrai - Oradea, Timotei Rad - Cluj Napoca, Mariea Crasmaru - Laslea, Emanuel Dobre - Ineu, Radu Lasc - Ineu, Morar Victor - Ineu, Havasi Sergiu Celin - Ineu. Multumesc de asemenea domnilor din conducerea Consiliului Judetean Arad si domnilor consilieri judeteni care au aprobat proiectul meu cicloturistic si doamnelor de la Centrul Cultural Judetean Arad. Multumesc mult si lui Rogoz Stefan, administratorul clubului RACING BIKE PRO ARAD si lui Torok Laci, fara ajutorul carora nu puteam accesa banii de la CJA! Dumnezeu sa va binecuvanteze pe voi si familile voastre si sa va dea doar bine! Nu in ultimul rand multumesc si colegilor Florin si Giani, cu care am pedalat destul de mult pe batranul continent! Traiasca cicloturismul si prietenia! Cu respect, Claudiu
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