While we eat some sour soups we try to dry our clothings. We are lucky that there is a nice fire in the stove.
We stay here about 2 hours and when we get out we are astonished by the amount of snow.
It's quite a wintry atmosphere.
We are very eager to carry on even if I don't have the proper outfit for such a weather but I am lucky because Razvan helps me out giving me some trousers what I really needed.
We start climbing, we have another 13 km to go till Balea Lake.
The more we climb the more snow we get.
We are jumping for joy, the atmosphere is fabulous.
The words can not express the feeling we have cycling under these circumstances.
The more we climb the more I feel the cold biting my feet. I have no winter boots but summer sport shoes so it's going to be hard on me.
We can not believe our eyes to face this weather in mid-october. It's snowing like in fairy tales.
Wow! but Razvan is well prepared and used to this sort of weather. The only problem is he doesn't have a proper cap and the helmet is not efficient to struggle against the vicious cold.
The night overtakes us, our progress is very slow and the layer of snow grows thicker the more we climb. In the last km we have to face a dreadfull smowstorm, but we are lucky to get to Balea Lake in the nick of time before getting hypothermia.
Here we recover in a restaurant eating a great steak and we have to rent a room which is quite expensive, about 50EUR.
During the night I suffer from my toothache again and I hardly can get some sleep, writhing with agony in my bed all the night long. Oh, what a night! Oh what a day! The Saint Parascheva must have punished me for my sins.
The next morning after the breakfast we decide to return to Avrig and to take a train home for we ran out of money.
This time the weather is fabulous but the temperature is bellow 0 centigrade.
We have to go down on ice so in a short time I fall and hit my back against the frozen road. Holly Shit!
The view below us is absolutely magnificent.
The clouds are so white and fluffy!
I am quite delighted to cycle here and I'm happy that my toothache disappeared but our hands are freezing.
On the left we can see Transylvania where autumn still dwells.
Till Balea Waterfall we still can enjoy winter weather with plenty of snow.
As we descend below 1000m the snow begins to decrease.
We are now in deciduous trees' area again.
We cycle another 30 minutes till we get to the main road where we have to head for Avrig.
Here we eat well at a restaurant then we take a train to Arad and then to Ineu where we have some other bike trips but in my region.
For this amaizing adventure on 2 wheels where the temperature varied between + 26 degrees centigrade and - 10 degrees centigrade in just one week, I thank from the bottom of my heart to my generous, trusty and kind friend Razvan Anton.
Dear brother I'm looking forward to you coming back to Romania to have a new bike trip together in the wonderful Transylvania!
-De cate ori am vazut, pana acum, biciclisti pe zapada am zis in sinea mea , gandind ca doar vara se merge pe bicicleta! Uitandu-ma acum la voi imi cer scuze mentru gandurile de altadata.(oarecum!)
RăspundețiȘtergere-Peisajele sunt minunate! Dar dupa un asa drum nu te-ai inbolnavit niciodata?
Cateodata mai pedalez si iarna.
RăspundețiȘtergereM-am imbolnavit in urma cu multi ani, acum sunt destul de calit.
Cu un echipament bun se poate pedala si iarna fara probleme.
HAOLEU, mama, I A R N A ?!!! Felicitari pentru indrazneala de a savarsi minunata nazbatie si pentru faptul ca impartasesti cu noi trairile tale. Eu sunt la polul celalalt, pregatesc o iesire de 800 de km prin desertul Omanului.
ȘtergereFelicitari si tie pt. o asemenea initiativa. Si mie mi-ar place sa ajung prin Orient cu bicicleta, dar deocamdata mai am de facut niste ture prin Europa.
De unde esti si cand faci tura in Oman?